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Brand Development/Management

Brand Development/Management



**Client Requirements for an Optimal Music Teaching Session:**

To ensure a seamless and productive experience during your music teaching sessions, we kindly request our valued clients to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. **Project Organization:**

   - **Save and Upload Project Files on Dropbox:**

     Store your project files exclusively on Dropbox.

     This practice guarantees easy sharing and swift accessibility of all essential materials.

  1. **Naming Conventions:**

   - **Adhere to Consistent File Naming:**

     Follow a standardized naming format: ARTIST NAME_CONTENT TYPE_APPLICATION, ensuring clarity and organization.

  1. **Scheduling Meetings:**

   - **Utilize Calender on website for Efficient Scheduling:**

     Use my website scheduling platform to schedule sessions effectively, ensuring time management and avoiding scheduling conflicts.

  1. **Punctuality and Preparedness:**

   - **Arrive on Time and Ready to Engage:**

     Please arrive promptly and adequately prepared with your project materials, notes, and creative ideas.

  1. **Collecting and Saving Materials:**

   - **Thoroughly Collect and Save Resources:**

     Before each session, gather all relevant resources such as audio files, project documents, and supplementary assets.

Be sure to "Collect all and Save" the project before sending it over.

  1. **Reference Tracks and Goals:**

   - **Bring Inspiring Reference Tracks:**

     Present reference tracks or examples that resonate with your desired sound, providing direction for our session.

  1. **Time Management:**

   - **Efficiently Utilize Allotted Time:**

     Make the most of your session time, optimizing our collaborative efforts for productive outcomes.

  1. **Punctuality Policy:**

   - **Respectful Punctuality is Essential:**

     Please be aware that tardiness exceeding 10 minutes without a valid excuse will lead to session cancellation.

  1. **Cancellation and Refund Policy:**

   - **Guidelines for Late Arrivals:**

     If unexcused lateness occurs, the session will regrettably be canceled. Subsequent instances will not be eligible for refunds.

Your commitment to these guidelines not only ensures the highest quality of collaboration but also respects the valuable time and expertise invested in your musical journey. Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to achieving exceptional results together.

With this service, I will help you make a release plan for any type of art and have you execute it in real time. 

This service requires devotion and a lot of work on your part as I can only do so much for you. 

This is paid by the hour, and can range from consultation to the actual step by steps of executing your plan. 


Elias Walker





Regular price $100.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $100.00 USD
Sale Sold out

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